Homemade Energy Cookies

Vegan, Glutenfree, and Healthy

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Are you in the mood for super delicious and healthy Energy Cookies? Then check out the recipe for these vegan and gluten-free homemade energy boosters!

With only a few weeks left for our baby girl to arrive, I am currently in full nesting mode. Besides all the general tasks of packing the hospital bag, setting up the nursery, and washing all the baby clothes I’ve also been thinking about some simple and healthy life hacks that could make my first few weeks with the baby more comfortable and enjoyable. Whenever I feel tired or exhausted I feel the urge to compensate for it with some high-calorie sweet snacks. Already before being pregnant I observed that on days when I couldn’t get enough sleep the temptation to grab some quick unhealthy snack was way bigger than on days when I was well-rested.

Of course, we all heard about those sleepless nights while taking care of a newborn and the increased calorie requirements while breastfeeding. So I was thinking, why not be well prepared and already check and try out some healthy homemade snacks that are high in nutrition, low in sugar, and easy & quick to make. After looking for some inspiration on Pinterest, I was able to put together my own recipe for some Homemade Energy Cookies by using only the ingredients that I already had at home.

These small energy boosters are not only great for your postpartum period but for everyone who follows a vegan, ketogenic or gluten-free diet.

What you need for Vegan, Glutenfree & Healthy ENERGY COOKIES:

  • 30g Pistachios

  • 70g Almonds

  • 50g Walnuts

  • 100g Dates

  • 50g Almond Flour

  • 50ml Soymilk

  • 2TS of Cinnamon Powder

  • 1Pinch of Grated Cloves

How to make a Vegan, Glutenfree & Healthy ENERGY COOKIES:

  1. Chop the nuts and dates in a food processor (a few large pieces are allowed to remain)

  2. Then add the almond flour, cinnamon, cloves, and soy milk and mix until smooth.

  3. Divide the dough into 12 equal portions, place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper, and shape into cookies.

  4. Bake in the preheated oven at 170 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.

Instead of forming them into cookies and baking, you can also simply shape them into tiny balls and eat them raw.

Due to the cinnamon and cloves flavor, they would be also a perfect substitution for traditional Christmas cookies. They consist of natural ingredients and are only sweetened with dates, and therefore they offer a sugar-free option during the heavy Christmas season.

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